Reducing file size - Face count - Me3D Support

Reducing file size - Face count

BuildBee has a limit of 30MB for STL files to avoid long wait times for slicing. Usually, files this large are either physically too big for the printer to produce or the detail (face count) is too high.

You can reduce it easily by using a free Microsoft app called 3D Builder, or by using Meshmixer (an option for Mac users).


3D Builder

- Import your model into the software and go to 'Edit' > 'Simplify' in the menu.

3D Builder simplify button

- Use the slider labelled 'Reduction level' to decrease the amount of faces. If you go too far, you will notice the shapes deform a little bit.

3D Builder reduce face count before
3D Builder reduce face count after

- Click the 'Reduce faces' button and save your model.

3D Builder save

 - Upload the new version of your file to BuildBee!



- Import your model and choose the ‘Select’ option from the side menu. Then, using the select tool, double-click on your model, which will select your entire mesh.

Meshmixer select

- Click on the ‘Edit…’ option from the new menu that pops up and select ‘Reduce’ from the list of options.

Meshmixer reduce

- You can now reduce the face count using the tool that appears. There are a few options to play around with in comparison with 3D Builder, but the easiest method is to use the percentage slider. The number represents the percentage of reduction in face count and file size. Watch for changes in your model as you slide the bar to avoid deforming your model too much. Click 'accept' and watch the number of vertices and triangles drop, indicating a decrease in face count and file size.

Meshmixer reduce percentage

- Make sure to save these changes to your model.

Meshmixer save

- Upload the new version of your file to BuildBee!

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