This help article will take you through the steps of replacing your extruder after you've bought a new one from us.

Please dispose of your old extruder responsibly. Alternatively, return it to us and we can dispose of it for you.
What do I need?
- 3mm hex key (included in your printers maintenance kit).
- Spare zip ties (included in your printers maintenance kit).
- Set of cutters (included in your printers maintenance kit).
How to replace your extruder
Step 1 - Remove the old extruder
- Make sure the nozzle is cold and turn the printers power off.
- Raise the X axis (extruder arm) by hand and place something underneath to support it (a filament box works well).
- Using the cutters from your maintenance kit, cut the cable tie that secures the extruder cable to the X axis (extruder arm).
- Carefully unplug the extruder cable from the printer base.
- Using the 3mm hex key, remove the 2 screws on the front of the extruder. Be careful to support the weight of the extruder as you remove the second screw. Keep the screws handy, you’ll need them in a moment.
Step 2 - Install the new extruder
- Put your new extruder in place, making sure the red end cap with the X axis belt attached to it is between the extruder mounting plate and the end of the X axis (extruder arm).
- Replace the two screws you removed when taking the old extruder off. Only tighten to finger tight first.
- With one hand, squeeze the X axis and the motor on the extruder together and tighten the screws with the 3mm hex key with your other hand.
- Use a zip tie to secure the new extruder cable to the X axis.
- Plug the new extruder cable into the 12 pin connector on the side of the printer base.
Step 3 - Calibrate your Z offset
Before going back into printing, you will have to calibrate your Z offset again, as the new extruder will have a slightly different offset.